Monday, March 21, 2011

Stagecoach-Unforgiven-True Grit Comparision

Stagecoach and True Grit have many things in common, but also some very different aspects. Both of the movies are common in that they are both a plot for revenge. in True Grit, Maddie hires Rooster Cogburn so that he may find the man that killed her father in cold blood. In Stagecoach, Ringo is looking for the man that killed his brother. Revenge is an essential theme in all classic westerns. Both movies have a lot of extreme long shots to show the setting, which is also needed for a movie to be a true western. Also in both movies the bad guy is killed completing the quest for revenge. Something that is different about True Grit than many classic westerns such as Stagecoach is the difference in the endings. In Stagecoach, Ringo gets what his revenge and gets to ride off with the girl while in True Grit it is not a completely happy ending. Maddie doesn't get to meet up with Rooster because he has died and she also lost her arm so this leaves us with a twinge of regret and isnt the happy ending we get in Stagecoach.

Unforgiven and True Grit have many similarities and differences. In Unforgiven, there is much more moral ambiguity than in either Stagecoach or True Grit. Will is a reformed alchoholic and killer, but when presented with the chance to make some more money for his struggling children by assassinating two men who cut up a whore he only has slight hesitation. Will quickly goes back to his ruthless ways, but it could be taken as he did it for his family, which could be seen as morally right. In contrast, in True Grit it is very clear that Tom Chaney is the bad guy and ultimately gets what is coming to him. One similarity is that both of these films take place in either the wilderness or a one street town. Another difference is that there isnt a theme of revenge in Unforgiven like there is in most classic westerns and True Grit. Will is just testing himself to see if he truly has reformed while in True Grit Maddie very clearly is on quest of revenge.

I would say that True Grit is much more comparable to a classic western film like Stagecoach than a more revisionist film like Unforgiven. Both True Grit and Stagecoach have a motivating theme of revenge throughout the story, while Unforgiven is not driven by this theme. Also the characters in True Grit and Stagecoach are much easier to distinguish as either good or bad, which is not the case in Unforgiven. Although there is one revesionist element that i found present in True Grit. This is the fact that the hero is Maddie Ross, which is not typical of a classic westen because the heros are usually strong men not strong women.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Picture Nominee Assignment

1. Winter's Bone
I chose Winter's Bone as the number one best picture nominee because I enjoyed the movie the most out of all of the other films. The movie was not all that complicated, and thats part of the reason i think that i liked it so much. It was a very honest film, the cinomatagraphy was pretty straight forward most of the time. The lead actress that played Ree was very strong. She did a good job making me believe that she was the daughter of a meth dealer with a crazy mother. She was the primary caregiver to her family and was not your typical girl. She made it really believable.
2. True Grit
I chose True Grit as the next best picture nominee because i really liked it. I think this is a great movie and there aren't really any of other movies like it out right now. I really like that Hailey Stienfield plays the lead role (even though she isn't getting recognized as the lead). She really helps make the story more interesting. I also really enjoy the cinematography. I have never seen a true western until now and i really like this movie. I like all the shots of the landscape, it really kept me interested throughout the movie.
3. Toy Story 3
I chose Toy Story 3 as my third choice because i enjoyed the movie but i don't think that it will win best picture. I thought this was a really fun movie with a good moral and meaning. This movie is for all ages and my generation grew up with the orginal toy story. I really liked the new twist and how they continued the story from the beginning.
4. The King's Speech
The King's Speech is an excellent movie and i think that it will win many awards at the oscars. I did not choose this movie as my favorite because i liked other movies better but i think this is a very good movie. I really think that Colin Firth is an excellent actor and brings a fresh approach to another movie about a british king. I have read many books and seen lots of movies about english history but not about this story. i really liked all the montages in the movie and i think that i could watch this movie over and over again.
5. Inception
Inception is a very cool movie. It's very innovative and there aren't really any other movies out there like it. I put it towards the bottom of my list because i don't think that everyone will have a positive reaction to the movie. I think the movie got to be way to long and i got bored during parts of it. Overall i enjoyed the movie but it was very confusing and got to be really long
6. The Social Network
I was not a fan of this movie. It was alright i suppose, but i feel like it is being built up to be a lot better than it really is, maybe im just not very appreciative of the "art" in this movie but i just didn't care for it. I do think that its a good story and very relevant to our time with the rise of Facebook and the internet.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Movie Review

The Notebook:

love story
good acting
can watch over and over
good story line
one of my favorite movies
cute story
takes place in the 50's
sad ending
ryan gosling and rachel mcadams are good together
love can stand the test of time
more of a "chick flick"
mother daughter dynamic
poor boy and rich girl
summer love


The Notebook is probably one of my all time favorite movies. I can watch it over and over and it never gets old. The Notebook tells a story of passionate summer love, but the two lovers, Allie and Noah, are separated by Allies rich parents who force her to move away. Even though Allie moves away to college, Noah never gives up on her and several years later the find eachother again and are still very much in love. The Notebook is a great movie because it shows that love can withstand all obsticals, even time. Although the ending is bitter sweet, I still love this movie. Even though it is classified as more of a "chick flick" movie, I know that guys deep down really do love it as much as us girls...they just dont want to admit it:)